Saturday, September 13, 2008



9.00pm - receive call from aunt. she said my old house alarm was ringing. how did she know ? one of the neighbours called and tell her. so she was suppose to go off it.

9.45pm - just finish watching "are we done yet"... (funny movie though). going to bed

9.52pm - the irony happens. call from my aunt again... she said my old house's back door was ajar. *MOUTH OPEN BIG BIG* you know what that means..... *passes phone to dad*

dad: back door open ?
dad: robbery ?
dad: coming now

alarm rang and back door open... that could be only one thing.... ROBBERY

9.55pm - receive phone call from one of the community member... i think it's deidre's dad - in the car with dad.... mum, sis and bro was in penang. me wondering.. what will the house look like now... everything messed up, everything gone... but i dont have anything valueble.. the only thing is.. omg... THE TV !!! the tv is my life !!! without it.. everyday go back there.. WHAT ON EARTH M I SUPPOSE TO DO ????!!!
praying very very very very hard... pls.... nothing happen to the house.. and the tv... >.< ='(

10.11pm - reaches the crime scene. in front of my house got one police...

kheng hooi's heart say : oh no..

*get out of car* * opens the door*

police: is this ur hse ?
hooi: yes
police: can u check ur back door and see if everything's ok
hooi: ok


open all the quickly.. then one of the lock cannot open... WHATS WRONG ?!?! struggle struggle

dad: wrong key...
hooi: i knew that

open open open....

o snap...
it's so dark..
dad go switch on all the switch... seriously allll.... all kinds of light, gate, porch, spot, down, two big thingy flower light thingy, fan...

MY TV IS STILL THERE !!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! i don't care about anything else... just the tv... quickly !

*ran to the kitchen !!! **** *takes key from a cup*

open the door to the wet kitchen...

kheng hooi saying to myself : it looks fine....

*open the door*

3 police outside talking and looking...

i asked myself.. : uh ??? nothing wrong with my backdoor or house...just the alarm... must be that a rat...

dad went upstairs on all the light.. check see check see.. nothing wrong ar...

dad: lets go outisde

our neighbour came back from their dinner... the police said ur backdoor is open.. to them

here's the funny part...

my neighbour forgotten to CLOSE their backdoor, and my house alarm rang because of a stupid rat...

heard my neighbour saying " we forgotten to close the dor, but ur alarm rang. u saved our lifes" to my dad.. lol so funny

but here's the other funny part

why did the police say that my house back door was open ??

my house is the 4th house from the corner...
the back door was the 4th back door that was open... so.. obviously it's my house right...
BUT... the 3rd house didn't have a back door... so the police counted... the first back door for the first house, second back door for the second house.. 3rd back door for the 3rd house and the 4th for the 4th house..

the first and second was correct, the 3rd house didn't have a backdoor .. so.. when they counted the 4th back door from the back... it's suppose to be the 5th house on the front.. so when the police counting the backdoor.. first (1st hse) second( second house) third ( my house which is the 4th from the front but they counted as 3rd because the 3rd house didn't have a backdoor. so they didn't know.) then the 4th as my neighbour house which door was ajar

then they walkie talkie IT'S THE 4TH BACK DOOR, SO MUST BE THE 4TH HOUSE...
so called my house instead... then when we arrive... after few min my neighbour...5th house also arrive.. and check...


neighbour forgotten to close the backdoor

rat in my roof that sound the alarm...

and my tv is still there for me to watch. =D

on the way home.. mum called.. lol she said she was scared to death...

now.. it's either i sleep. or study..


*grabs a coin*

heads - i sleep
tails - i study

one, two FLIP !!

HEADS !!! good nite then !!!

no seriously, i m going to sleep.. =.= .. most of u won't believe... =.= """