Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why Medicine over Engineering ??

Here's a copyrighted story...

There's this car mechanic working in his shop.
then, a cardiologist entered the shop.

the mechanic got curious and ask the doctor

"why are you getting paid more then i m ? we both are doctors, it's just that i fix cars and u fix human. i take out the engine which refers to the heart which is malfunctioning, out of the car, which refers to the human and fix in a new engine for the car. u do the same job too. but why r u getting paid MORE ??"

the cardio smiled and said only one sentence.

"try doing it when the heart is working"

the doctor then winks and kissed good bye

the mechanic must had been speeeechless eyy..??

that is why you should choose medicine over engineering ~!

i know what must you been thinking.. i'm taking medicine right ???

WRONG ! that's the last career i'll choice... you'll know why when u choose it ... =) *blink blink*

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