It all started in the month of MARCH
23 - orientation
30 - my first day -.- **i went for hospital placement remember**
14 - our first math quiz - chapter 2
20 - our first chemistry class test 1 - elemental % environment
27 - our first physic class test 1 - chapter 1 & 2
28 - taylor's scholarship award
29 - our first bio class test 1 - M1 - M14
4 - our first math class test 1 at DR2
6 - passing up of ESL proposal
15 - bio class test 2
22 - physic class test 2
25 - 29 - LAN classes
1 - 5 - hols
8 - passing up of chem resources for chem project, chem class test 2, phy review on resources
9 - passing up of ESL draft
12 - passing up of bio resources for project, LAN exam, ESL issue analysis
15 - 16 - our first Math DI
16 - chem prac test 1, esterification
18 - chem write up
20 - teacher pareng meeting
22 - chem detailed outline, pass up LAN proj
22 - 23 - math DI
24 - math quiz 2
26 - passing up of bio draft
29 - chem common test 1
30 passing up of bio draft (delayed)
3 - phy class test 1
6 - phy proj review outline
7 - handing up of ESL project !, Chem prac test 2
8 - bio class test 3
9 -15 ESL tutorial
17 - handing up of bio proj
21 - 24 - mid sem exam
27 - pass up chem proj
31 - pass up phy proj
3 - chem proj pass up(delayed)
11 - chem prac test 3
13 - write up
17 - 21 hols
24 - pass up phy project again??
25 - prac test 4
26 - write up
2 - 4 - creative writing, Math DI
4 - chem class test 4, math class test
8 - pass up phy? AGAIN ?? UH
14 - 18 TRIALS
21 - 25 Hols
15 - officially finished SAM syllabus
26 - 30 study leave
2 - ESL
3 - PHY
5 - MATH
9 - Bio
11 - CHem
12 - 14 - Pangkor trip !
16 - Prom !
19 - 26 LAN
and last fri, 23rd of october, is one of the saddest day of the year.
it's the last day of my college. :'(
we've been through so much together, every ups and downs throughout the year, and it's finally over. we'll be on our own ways after the 27th of november. i doubt that we'll never see each other as a class again
For medical students, we have
Andrew, Bob, Mila, Eugene, Jessilyn, Joel etc
for Pharmacist, we have
Arel, Li szhen, Derek, Adrian*i think*, **weisin?*** etc
For Biotech/medical, we have
Prakash, Ft, Siew wai, etc
For Dentistry, we have
Mindy ? etc
For Chiropracticer, we have
LALA !!!
For the uncertain ones, we have
the rest of the class -.- including me =.=
MY POINT IS, while i was looking through all the photos that i took, that joel and adrian took, *tagged in facebook*, all the good memories started to flow
*runs n get a tissue n wipes tears*
everytime i study, i would reminiscent all the great time we had together, which actually stopped me from studying.. lol
i'll miss those times where i enter the class n see everyone there.
there's always arel, mich, mindy, adrian, lala, chia peng, jiau jiau, n andrew to make me laugh.
there's no more
kululu, HL, fang ting, wei sin, yee, for me to bully
there's no more
sham, mila, na-na, n thareni to get bullied from,
there's no more
yas, meili, n kath to hav fun wit every mon
there's always
ms prem n her words of encouragement
there's always
ms cheang n her funny insultation/complements + her enthusiasm in hokkein
there's always
mr yong n his mario like jokes
there's always
Mr james n his jollyful stress
there's always
ms isabel n her isabelly-like attitude n jokes
i'm happy i chose taylors,
n there's no regret choosing SAM,
but most of all, i'm glad to be in E1.
i would never ever forget any of u all !
love u guys so much :'( *SOBS* *i need more tissue**
do study hard.
n we shall meet again.